Monday, June 28, 2010

First day at lab

Abby and I split a cab to get to Ewha Women’s University and Yonsei which are right next to each other. I checked into my dorm which is very reminiscent of my college freshman dormitory. Except that it’s a 20 minute walk to lab up and down some seriously steep hills.

I barely have room for my empty bags!

I spent the day at lab trying not to pass out and having my laptop configured for the dental department’s internet. The professor took me out for lunch. We had dolsat bibimbop, and I impressed them with my chopsticks skills. I guess because I look white and they figured I'd never used them before. I had a dinner of cold naeng myun with Sungmin before returning to my room to shower and unpack.

Lab members at lunch.

Just me and Professor Lee!

It’s settling in now, the work I’ll have to do while I’m here. I hope I can keep myself motivated with all the amazingly distracting things there are to do in this country.

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