Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Project presentation

Woke up at about 7 to get some breakfast and walk (hike?) to lab. I heard quite a bit of English chatter last night. Seems a lot of foreigners stay in the dorms for the summer.

Breakfast in the dorm cafeteria. At least it's cheap, just 2,500 won ($2.10).

I sat through about 5 hours of presentations today. All in Korean. I did get to write everyone's name down and learn a bit about their work, but only if their project title was written in English. I cut out a lot of my usual presentation to make it simpler to understand, but I think even with my slower tempo it was difficult for the students to follow. I know all of them speak English, but most are too embarrassed to try and speak to me at this point. I'm making a point to talk to each of them and try to help with any writing related questions they have. Already met a guy who likes StarCraft and another who likes to lift. So far everyone I've met, including the professors, lists "drinking" as an interest. It should be a crazy time here, to be sure.

Some of the staff and faculty at dinner after a grueling presentation session.

The lab culture here is quite different from what I'm used to. It seems very laid back, and the professor-student relationship is very friendly. I've been treated to some good meals already and students are already offering up free lunches & dinners in the future. Another example of the hospitality here; during the break in presentations, one student came back with a bag of cold iced coffee cans for everyone, some 25 people. They also take a *lot* of smoke breaks. Coming and going during the day seems to be open, though to compensate most of the members stay at lab very late. My roommate didn't get back to the room until about 11 pm last night, and he plans to do the same tonight.

Yeah, buffet!

Some of the supplies I ordered have yet to arrive. I'll be writing my protocol and trying to finish up some work from UT HSC (both Texas and Tennessee) in the meantime.

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