Thursday, September 9, 2010

Island Hopping

A series of islands off the southern peninsula of Thailand had beautiful beaches and lots of Australian and English tourists. We spent a couple of days just lounging on the beach and enjoying the food. We spent the first night on Koh Samui and our second on Koh Tao. I did go snorkeling around the second island and saw schools of fish and lots of coral-dwelling critters. No sharks, though.

On approach to Koh Samui.

Sipping on my first mai tai.

The disturbingly rickety pier we crossed to get to our snorkeling boat.

On our way to Shark Bay.

Kind of reminded me of the island from Lost.

About to do some snorkeling.

Beach cats.

Rain off in the distance.

The pier of an island that counted plastic bottles entering and leaving it to reduce litter.

Sunset approaching. Bye Thai islands!

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