Monday, September 27, 2010

Los Angeles

On the way back home I planned for a five day layover in Los Angeles. I’ve been a few times, but never stayed long enough to get to know the place.

My cousins showed me around, driving down Hollywood Blvd and Santa Monica, pointing out celebrity hangouts and famous restaurants all the while. We had some great brunch and then spent the afternoon at the Getty museum, a free art museum overlooking LA.

Welcome to LA!

Jasmin & Hiromi prepare to snap some elegant shots of yours truly.

Dennis & I destroyed that brunch.

Yeah I'm still a tourist even in America.

The train ride to the Getty.

Overlooking the city.

Cousin Jasmin and I enjoying some horchata and tacos.

We went for drinks in Korea Town, and I was surprised at how familiar it all seemed. I can see how people get by in LA not learning English.

Some serious bingsu.

I helped Lindsay move into her new apartment and then we checked out Leo Carillo beach for the tide pools. I got a taste of the Pacific Coast Highway, a potentially awesome place to bring a motorcycle.

There are some windsurfers in the background.

I found a starfish!

True to the LA scene I had a celebrity sighting. Jay Leno was doing interviews on Melrose St. while the cousins and I were shopping. He looked busy so I didn’t bother him for a picture, but I feel like I got a well-rounded sampling of the city.

Now that I’m back in the real world I’ll have to focus on things beside what new foods to experience next. Since returning I’ve found that my tastes have changed. I prefer eating smaller amounts more frequently, and I don’t really crave meat anymore. Having been removed from the States for so long I definitely notice new things about home, culture and behavior related mostly. It’s been an awesome summer, and I think it’s something that has shaped me into a more mature and observant person. I can’t wait to go eat some more tacos.

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