Thursday, August 26, 2010

Castles & Robots

Our flight out of Fukuoka was quite late, so we decided to leave early and see as many things as possible on the train ride back across Japan.

Our first stop was an 18 m (59 foot) tall Gundam! A toy company built it for their 30th anniversary. It was built at a 1:1 scale and was done up in lights, but only its head turned a little bit. Still, totally worth the stop.

Truly epic.

Great day...for hanging out with robots.

Next we visited Himeji Castle, one of the best preserved ancient Japanese castles. It was under renovation when we arrived, but that kept our visit short and we had a schedule to keep. The sky was clear which made for beautiful pictures, but it was so hot. We grabbed a taxi to get back to the train station in a hurry, and it was one of the most harrowing rides yet. Our elderly driver ran lights and nearly threw us out of the car when he made the turn to drop us off and the passenger door automatically opened.

Under construction.

Cool stuff. Supposedly it resembles a white crane.

Proof I was in another Japanese castle.

We arrived at the airport with plenty of time to spare and were checked in to our Incheon hotel before midnight. After a quick fix of banana milk we were done with traveling for a few hours.

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