Tuesday, July 27, 2010

StarLeague semifinals at I-Park Mall

Viktor has been visiting Korean churches, so we met with Joonghyun and Jisue in the morning to check out his family's normal Sunday hangout. Afterwards Joonghyun drove us both to Yongsan.

Outside JHK's church near Namdaemun, one of the oldest churches in Seoul.

We went to watch the StarLeague Season 2 semi-finals at I-Park mall. The e-sports stadium was small, but packed with people and still pretty exciting.

The e-sports stage. Three announcers, two players, one loser.

The far right one is a real-time view of the player's screen. It's very difficult to follow.

In the standing section. All seats are free, but once claimed people get them for the duration.

SK Telecom's team, who won this day's tournament.

These games were the 2nd to last semi-finals to be played, between SK Telecom and Wemade FOX. I saw Bisu play (!) but the protoss player lost despite some nice micro against a slow tank push. I made some videos, but only this one of the end of a game was worth sharing. They're serious--they have coaches, mascots, uniforms...it's sort of awesome.

Viktor was standing towards the front and got some screen time (1:06), and I was in the background of another shot (1:19). This was televised live across Korea, so I'm sure the local talent search agencies will be calling us anyday now.

I managed to catch Viktor when he got onscreen.

Afterwards we went to Insadong so we could all do some gift shopping. I picked up a lot of various traditional Korean wares, but really didn't spend that much money (considering the quality of gifts and number that I bought...). I still need to get some new clothes. Not just because I want to look stylish but because I only have one comfortable pair of long pants I wear almost every day to lab. And I just spilled some chemicals on them that stained them. This is why you always wear a lab coat--not to protect your skin from harmful chemicals, but your clothes. I won't talk too much about the gifts because if you're reading this you're probably getting one. Yes, you.

We returned to Yongsan station to get our bags from the fingerprint security dropbox we left them in. Our group parted ways from here, off to begin another week of work.

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