Friday, July 9, 2010

Some things don't change

It's nearing the end of the fiscal year for my lab. That means the same thing here as it does back home--time to spend what you have left! I'm happy they see lunch for the international student as a good way to dump that extra cash.

Min-ho and Woo-hyun. Good guys.

Bacon 'n potato pizza. I was hoping it would be weirder.

I haven't paid for lunch all week, and I'm leaving for Jeju tomorrow. A pretty fair week, I'd say. When the professors weren't treating me, the students were just for helping them with their English presentations for the IADR dental conference in Barcelona next week.

Min-Kyung and Seung-Kyun take me to a fancy Chinese place.

Hyoung-sik treated me this day.
Random note: Yuri has a Busan accent.

However, I didn't get much labwork done because my chemicals *still* haven't arrived. It takes 3 weeks for orders to get here! I thought that was the longest it could take but it seems more like the average.

I took a safety test, which involved watching a video cut from some Korean game show then taking a one-page test. However, the video was in Korean, and hilarious. I barely scraped by with a 69%, but I think I deserved partial credit on a few of the questions. The grader didn't bother to translate my English words, so if I didn't use the exact word (use the extinguisher on the 'bottom' of the fire, I put 'base') I got a big fat X. Oh well, they're letting me stay so I guess that's good enough.

I still got a sinking feeling when I saw my score.

I did have one interesting Korean lesson over beer. I learned to say a few slang terms (profanities?). I won't list them here in case the Korean side of my family reads this.

The Rules: No fighting, farting, or, uhh, kissing

Too many V's in these pictures, hunh?

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